My work is based in material exploration across multiple mediums—glass, printmaking, photography, assemblage, and collage are all prevalent in my practice. I am drawn to multiples of materials and utilizing excess materials from artistic and industrial processes. My practice often involves intercepting the waste stream and exploring the liminal space where materials transform from the mundane to the intriguing and beautiful. Light plays an important role in my work—I see light as a material.
Conceptually, I am interested in how first world societies deal with excess and over-consumption in the name of convenience. My work seeks to examine the entanglements of our social, emotional, and psychological relationships to Climate Crisis issues that are directly linked to over-consumption. I strive to illuminate the connections that bind us over borders, boundaries, and oceans—making these connections more visible in order to bring awareness to our collective culpability and responsibility.Dealing with such heavy subject matter can be emotionally and mentally draining. I counteract this by making playfulness an integral part of my practice.